As many of you are aware there was a power outage on October 10, 2019 and the AGM had to be relocated from Westminster United Church to the MOST Office.

In true OT fashion, we adapted and set up in the dark.  We were prepared to hold the AGM in the dark and just as the AGM was about to begin the power came back on.  Unfortunately, we were not able to get the technology to cooperate and were not able to offer the AGM online as originally planned.

Our sincerest apologies to those who were planning to attend the AGM online.  We were just as excited as you to try out the new meeting platform, but it will just have to wait for another time.  Thank you to those members who ventured out in the bad weather and attended the AGM in person.

A big thank you to Carolyn Klassen for overcoming her fears and speaking to her peers.


View the 2019 AGM presentation here: 2019 AGM Presentation


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