Have you ever considered a career in Private Practice? Perhaps you’re looking to expand your skill set to supplement your work in the public sector?

After the changes to the delivery of public health in Manitoba, MSOT received many questions about opportunities in Private Practice. As a response of these inquiries, we are hosting a Private Practice Information Session. This event will include:

  • Sharon Eadie, COTM Executive Director: Sharon will be focusing on the Private Practice Policies and requirements of the Ombudsman, including requirements for documentation.
  • Accountant: The accountant will focus on types of expenses that can be claimed, types of records to keep, and bookkeeping options.
  • Panel Presenters: Julie Bell, Melissa Abrams, Laura Durling and Heidi Garcia
  • Dinner
  • Networking opportunity

September 20th from 5:00 8:00 at 120 Maryland St.

MSOT Members: $45.00
Non-MSOT Members: $60.00

Register today at Event Brite: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/private-practice-information-session-tickets-48677838726


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