• Take a selfie with one of the four bus benches promoting Occupational Therapy in Winnipeg. Send to msot.caandadvocacy@gmail.com or tag MSOT on Facebook or Twitter with your selfie. There are prizes to be won!!
  • (Hint: Look for bus benches around Polo Park, St. Vital Mall, Pembina just south of Jubilee, Sherbrook & Broadway)
  • Share some of MSOT’s posts from Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn. Let’s see how far our messages can go! Have an idea to share? Email msot.communications@gmail.com
  • Celebrate with colleagues – have coffee, lunch or a tea break together… or plan a workplace celebration. Share your photos and stories!
  • Share the “Understanding OT” pamphlet with at least one person… access this great resource at https://msot.mb.ca/finding-ot-services/
  • Attend the MSOT – AGM and FREE DINNER – Tuesday, October 16, 5:30pm at 120 Maryland. See you there!
  • Not an MSOT member yet? You can join anytime and support all the great things MSOT is doing in Manitoba. Already an MSOT member? Thank you!! Encourage another OT to join MSOT!


Thanks for doing your part to promote OT – during OT month & all year long!


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